The operator of www.karinevents.ro is SC Forever After Weddings SRL, a limited company, called "operator", whose exclusive property is the domain.


The use of this site (including all web pages under this domain), as well as all information, data, texts, images or any other materials from the site, collectively referred to as "content", confirms the free consent of the users to accept, in full, the terms and conditions together with the Privacy Policy of the website www.karinevents.ro.


The operator reserves, at any time, the right to make changes in the terms and conditions of use of this site. The continued use of the site after any of this modifications, implicitly represents the users' agreement regarding the new changes/modifications made by the operator.





The entire content of the website www.karinevents.ro is the property of the Operator and its suppliers and is protected by the law for the protection of copyright (Law no. 8/1996) with subsequent additions.


The use of any elements listed above, without the consent of the Operator, is punishable in accordance with the laws in force.


The photos and data presented by the Operator are used with the consent of the clients or are the property of the Operator.
